1. Search before request. Use our search box to check the software,patch,crack,hacking,OS .etc already available on WindowsX.Net or Microsoft.
2. Use preview or final software,patch,crack,hacking,OS .etc title and year also msdn link (ex: Request: “Windows 7 Ultimate (2011)” MSFT:
3. Be patient with Your request. Not all request can be granted due to Software source availability.
4. Request of high rated Sofware will be our priority.
5. This is Software,patch,crack,hacking,OS .etc NOT Movie Request, not anime,and manga.
3 komentar:
gan pnya copy-an dvd windows 8 yang original ga???
hey bro,can you find windows 8 all in one original versions???
gan gw minta linknya driver pack solution yg final 2013 dong...
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